26 Jan 2001


Orbit overview plots [ovt] ?

Overview plots with satellite potential and EFW, STAFF, Whisper wave spectrograms [Rico] ps-files
CIS & FGM [Tai Phan] overview (pdf) Walén test FTE
HT-frame from EFW 1035-1041 1112-1119

Normals for selected crossings using timing between s/c potential [Anders T, Rico] txt

Normals for selected crossings using FGM timing (Arne Pedersen) txt.
For the same crossings
E field in the MP-reference frame
B field in GSE and MP ref frame
E in MP reference frame and B (GSE coordinates)
HT frame for selected crossings
E.j using MP velocity to estimate j
Description of the E in MP frame plots.

last modified on Thursday, 23-Jan-2003 16:31:42 CET