3 Mar 2001


Cluster orbit is such that moving approximately in the noon meridional plane it moves through the cusp and afterwards skims the MP. Ovt plots of Cluster orbit as seen from Y direction (GSM) and Z direction (GSM).

From the Quicklookplot one can see short enterings into the magnetosphere at about 0235, 0305, 0321 (hot 10 keV ions) and probably also at 0335 and 0355. Note that these eneterings can also be seen in spacecraft potential.

Overview of satellite potential and E spectra (note that sc2 is in Normal Mode, E-field to 10Hz, while the other satellites are in Burst Mode, E-field to 175 Hz).
UT 0141-0151, UT 0208-0218, UT 0230-0238, UT 0256-0311, UT 0317-0324

B & Vsp during 0200-0330 UT. Magnetosphere enterings can be seen as decreases in Vps (the negative of spacecraft potential).

0236 crossing

This crossing is studied in more detail.
Overview B & Vsp during 0229-0239 UT for sc1 and zooming into 023540-023700UT.
  • MP is clearly seen in B and Vps. B and Vps gradients coincide. (Usually density gradients coincide with the MP current layer or are inside of it). sc1 B&Vsp 023540-023700UT
  • Overview sc1 023540-023700 UT. E & B frequency spectra are broadband in a wide frequency range up to many kHz. Largest power is in frequencies below a few tens of Hz. For outbound crossing at 0236:10UT E has higher wave power on magnetospheric side of the density gradient while B on the magnetosheath side (common feature for MP crossings). During the later inbound crossing 0236:40UT both E & B seems to have maximum wave power within the density gradient.
  • Much of the broadband power can come from short large amplitude electric field spikes.
  • PEACE, e- beam in direction parallel to B (earthward) before 0236:10 UT.
  • CIS, indicates ionospheric ion population near the MP. When E field is strong enough ram motion brings cold ion energy above the satellite potential.
  • Large amplitude electric field spikes have also magnetic feature and can be seen in STAFF and FGM data. Earthward Poynting flux of order 10uW/m2 (mapped to ionosphere) is associated with these spikes. sc 1 observations | sc1,2,3 observations
Last updated 29.1.2002
last modified on Thursday, 23-Jan-2003 16:31:45 CET