Propose someone as a new EFW Associate

To propose a new EFW Associate, fill in the form below and submit.

An EFW Associate is associated to a specific EFW Co-Investigator. The Co-I is responsible for the person with whom he/she is sharing data and should help and guide the Associate when needed.

A new EFW Associate can be proposed by any EFW Co-I. The proposal has to be approved by the EFW PI.

All scientists working with EFW high resolution data should be an EFW Associate (if he/she is not PI or Co-I).

An associate will receive information concerning EFW from the PI, and can use EFW high resolution data.

To read the list of approved associates, go to

1) Name of sponsoring EFW Co-I:

2) Email of sponsoring EFW Co-I:

3) Name of the proposed EFW Associate:

4) Email of the proposed EFW Associate:

5) Affiliation of the proposed EWF Assosiate:

6) How is the suggested EWF Assosiate related to the sponsoring Co-I?
(For example, PhD student, post-doc, colleague at the same laboratory...)

7) Which project(s) will the proposed Associate work on?
(Name one or several projects already on the list of Cluster EFW projects, or the title of a new project that needs to be immeditely submitted to that list.)
last modified on Friday, 08-Apr-2005 14:50:06 CEST